Friday, April 21, 2006

Let the Work Out Begin

Since it's been a month or so since I last worked out, I HAD to get back to it. Went to the YMCA this morning with a friend and did the elliptical and the treadmill. Felt good to move but now I"m still in work out clothes and un-showered. One pet peeve about exercising after kids are up. No time for me to be 'ready for the day'. I'll live. I'll be smelly for a little longer, but I"ll live.

Can't belive the weekend is here already. Don't know where the week went. I keep checking my planner to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.

My desk looks like a tornado blew through. I live by the addage "If I cant' see it, it doesn't exist". Seems I need to have everything out or I'll forget to do it. Sometimes I organize things very nicely and neatly...then forget where I put everything. I think I need a secretary....or a mother :)

Tomorrow is prom for my high school senior. He and his friends requested that I make dinner before they go to the prom. They want steaks on the grill so I think I can manage that. I should take a leaf (or 2) out of the table and use a table cloth. We typically have 8 people at the table which isn't exactly cozy for 4. I could light some candles and keep the little ones out of the dining room. I'm drawing the line at dressing like a waiter and carrying a folded towel over my arm while I speak in a french accent.

Think I"ll clear the desk top and then hit the shower. Then I'll be organized AND smell good.

Have a good weekend!


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