Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Blog A Year?

Hmm..seems I haven't blogged for almost a year. Where oh where did that time go?

I'll tell you where, it went to buying school supplies, swim meets, basketball games, breakfast lunch and dinners, homework, crisis, elation, arguing, traveling and sometimes even sleeping. Time flies when you are having fun...

I am now the proud owner of an almost graduated son. I'm not positive that we should unleash him on society. He is standing on the edge of the nest and all I can see are the things I've done poorly, or worse yet, failed to teach him altogether. I had 18 years. What was I thinkin'?

On a less stressful note, my husband and I just returned from a little jaunt to Jamaica where we celebrated our 20th anniversary. I've traveled internationally before, but this was the most amazing. Sure, Eastern Europe in the winter is lovely and all, but Jamaica is like living in a postcard. We relaxed and reconnected and planned our next 20 years.

While in Jamaica I jumped off of a 35' high cliff into the ocean (see picture). It was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life. I'm glad I didn't drown on the swim from the boat to the cave where we climbed the ladder to the cliff. I'm equally glad I did not die from the sheer terror of the jump. Cliff jumping falls into the catagory of "what was I thinkin'?"

I worked this morning and designed 10 tropical silk arrangements. They were actually pretty cool. The sun has not shone since I arrived back in the "Land O'Corn" and I'm beginning to feel blah. I need sun. Maybe I have that Seasonal Affective Disorder. Wonder if the doctor can write me a prescription to move to a sunnier locale?

Well, it's almost time to pick kids up from school and I've still got errands to run. Best put away the black jelly beans and hit the dusty trail.

I'll blog again soon. I promise. And I mean it this time.


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