Friday, February 04, 2005

All Dressed Up & No Place to Go

It has happened again. I made plans to go somewhere and a kid got sick. Of course, sick kids are the norm around this house lately. Every time one of them gets better, another falls victim to the lastest malady circulating through the public school system. I can't even say that things would be better if I homeschooled. With six children, sickness just perculates among them all. I've spent a fortune this 'cold and flu season' on waterless germ killers and Lysol.

The sickie today is seven-year-old Sofie. She has had a fever and her tummy hurts. Bless her heart, she really wanted to go to the surprise birthday party we had plans to attend this evening.

Since she's under the weather I thought I'd post her picture on here so she can see herself on the computer. Vanity is high on her list of attributes and I know this will cheer her right up. She joined our family at the ripe old age of 19 months from Bulgaria. Being born with only her right leg has not slowed her down one iota. She wears a prosthesis and informed me last week that she is in the 'toppest box of jump-ropers' in P.E. She is a major chatterbox and talks in a cartoon-ish voice. She loves to admire herself in any shiney surface. When she was younger I'd often find her gazing at her distorted reflection in doorknobs.

So, here is a picture of my little one-legged Bulgarian. She's joy in my heart and I hope she feels better soon. And I'm not just saying that because I have plans to go away for the weekend, either!



Blogger Carrie Metz-English said...

Can I watch Sophie for the weekend that you plan to escape? What a gorgeous girl...

Her soon to be Aunt in SD..

8:15 PM  

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