Thursday, February 03, 2005

Why Can't I Catch Up?

Where do the days go? Does time fly by so quickly because I'm getting older? If so, well that just stinks. It's now that I'm older that I NEED more time. No fair that it zips off more quickly just when I'm really needing it.

Every day when I get up I have a plan for the day. My plan normally includes making meals, making sure kids get to school and then activities, getting our business bookwork completed and meeting various other deadlines involved with running a household of eight. My plan just doesn't have room for some cleaning up my office, giving my shower a serious scrubbing or organizing the stray Tupperware lids and precariously stacked cookie sheets and bundt cake pans in the kitchen.

Every morning I think I should be scouring the shower while I'm scouring myself. Sadly, I shower so quickly I don't even have time to scrub the shower while I'm in there. I usually just feel guilty and go on with my day.

Tomorrow I'm taking a big step. I'm having a professional organizer come over and attack my unruly kitchen! She says I don't have to be right beside her the entire time which is good since my kids don't have school tomorrow and my 2nd grader has a fever today.

Carrie (that's her name) has her work cut out for her. I'm busy, ADD, disorganized and I don't like to cook in the first place. My kitchen is a mess. I told her organize it however she thought best and then just tell me where my stuff is!

Next week we will attempt to organize the office. Wish us luck! Well...wish Carrie luck. :)


Blogger chaetoons said...

Have the same time disfunction myself -- 20 waking hours in a day just isn't enough!
How did the kitchen re-organization turn out?

9:40 AM  

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