Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Is Blogging for Me?

Well here I am. Quietly slipping into the world of Blog. Given that I'm virtually inundated with random thoughts on a daily basis, I thought I might just 'blog' a few. Writing my weekly column in the Columbus Telegram is exciting and all, but it requires so much actual thought. I'm looking forward to just a little daily blogging.

In the days to come you'll meet my big crazy family. I'll introduce them one by one and I'm sure that out of the 7 of them you'll find at least one that you can relate to.

I'd write more now, but my column was due at noon today and I haven't even started it.


Blogger Carrie Metz-English said...

Welcome to Blogging Nation. This ought to be a hoot.

6:48 AM  

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