Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wednesday....deadline looming.

Wednesdays mean deadline. My weekly column is due at noon today. I'll write it at 11:00. I think I'll re-work my column from last week, actually. I got it done and turned in early on Monday so that it would run on Friday while we were in Jamaica. Checked email at the resort and got an email from my editor saying he couldn't find my email with column attached. So, my column that actually referenced the current holiday (Easter) didn't run. I'll see if I can salvage it for this week.

If I can't, I might tackle the immigration issue. Have to say I'm a little ticked about the while thing. Why is it the illegals think they should get a pass on abiding by the law? How would they feel if the US instituted a new law that made it legal to committ a crime against a Mexican without consequences one day each year? If they don't have to obey the law, why should anyone else? I paid hundreds of dollars and jumped through too many legal hoops to mention in order to bring four of my children into this country legally. If we are going to let the illegals stay for free, I want to be reimbursed!

I'm currently trying to get these Jamaican braids out of my hair. I only had the front braided and am hoping it doesn't break off and leave me "bangless". That would be unattractive to say the least.

I was supposed to have jury duty today but apparently the case was settled and now I get to go on July 29th. Hope I get an interesting case.

The sun is shining brightly today, finally! I won't have to pop open a vein after all.

Better get busy and get that column done so I can move on to bookwork, mean menus and grocery shopping and folding that laundry I didn't get to yesterday.


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