Tuesday, February 15, 2005

You Put Your What in Where?

For the past 2 months at least one member of our family has been ill. Many days it has been multiple sickies and I'm fed up with it.

After spending all of Sunday in bed due to a serious sinus infection, I finally broke down and called the doctor. He called me in a prescription, bless his heart. On Monday Sofie began to run a temp and Chase continued the fever he'd been running all weekend. Again, I rang up the doc and he invited us all to come in for a little look-see.

When I arrived, I received both the news I'd expected AND a little surprise as well. Sofie was diagnosed with a sinus infection. Seems she takes after her mommy. The doctor looked in Chase's left ear and pronounced it infected. He moved to the right ear and peered into his ear canal for quite some time as he contorted himself to get a better view.

Feeling guilty that I'd not cleaned Chase's ears prior to the visit, I asked if it was filled with 'gunk'. Doc said it wasn't 'gunk' but he was not sure what exactly it was he was seeing.

After irrigating the small boy's ear, we left the office with a diagnosis of double ear infections AND two small pink beads wrapped in gauze.

Knowing my little dress-wearing gender-bending four year old, he was only trying to wear 'eeings' (earrings) when he placed the beads into his hear.

Now that Chase's ear is beadless and we are all on antiobiotics, hopefully we can all be well at the same time. If not, look for the national headlines, 'MOTHER OF SIX CAUGHT TRYING TO FLEE NEBRASKA IN HOPES OF FINDING WARMER CLIMATE'.


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