Thursday, October 04, 2007

I think I forgot about my Blog!

So, it's been almost a year and a half since my last post. In my own defense, nobody reads this anyway! I wrote my weekly newspaper column like a good girl until a couple of months ago when I finally took a little leave of absence. Seems I was having Migraines. No writing deadline does seem to help the Migraine.

My parents moved here from Oregon in May. I'm the happiest girl in all the world. My mom helps me in the business office and my dad putters....he's a putterer now. That's a good thing. It's wonderful to have them here not only for me but for my kiddos. I know my kids love it, too!

So, are you wondering why I'm writing? It's because I'm stuck at the computer. Today my QuickBooks program decided to lock up. Tomorrow is payroll and I can't get my accounting program to open. Niiice. I spent over 2.5 hours on the phone with Intuit tech support. I finally loaded the program onto the old laptop and it is working. Tomorrow I can pay our workers. Won't they be happy.

In the meantime, I am going to hit the hay. Gotta be up at 3:45 to be at work by 4:45 and make the java. Tomorrow is Friday and it will likely be busy! I love that!

I will try not to wait so long before I post again, but I ain't making no promises!
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